Sunday 14 April 2013

Down and out?

The past 4 months my life (our life) has been focussed on training for The London Marathon. Through more snow and ice than I would have liked - apprently this is the worst training season on record - and now, having aclimatised to the severe cold, we are set of an unexpected heatwave hitting London next Sunday. Yep that's my luck for you!

So not only am I going to be battling conditions 20+ degrees higher than the majority of my training, I am also not fighting fit. For those of you that have been following my progress, training was going amazingly well until 3rd March where I sustained a knee injury at the Bath Half and since then my training has fallen by the wayside. I have managed approx 30 miles (instead of 150) and am now the owner of a bright yellow swimming hat as I have taken my training to the water, BUT I am not nearly as fit or prepared as I was. Mentally I am broken. The marathon has me beaten already and I feel ill prepared. Everyone says I have done more than enough training - a couple of 17 milers and 3 x 15 milers - but would anyone really say anything different? Either way I am mentally unfit - I can no longer visualise myself as a marathon runner (an expert top tip), I don't see myself as "fit" (as in fitness rather than phwoar - not sure I ever had that!), I am scared of not knowing how the knees will hold up and I feel the months of hard training has been pointless.Sponsorship, the thing that  has been keeping me determined and reminds me of why I am doing this, is naturally slowing down - I have pretty my exhausted all my friends and families pockets - and if it weren't for the £2000+ already raised I would seriously be considering staying in bed next Sunday night.

In fact things are so bad I am cake loading rather than carb loading... I have never done anything like this before and was feeling so proud of my improvement and focus, but my injuries have stolen my pride, ruined my efforts and irradicated any resulting positive attitude. I am at the point of suggesting my "supporters" stay at home as I don't feel like I deserve the support.

So any advice on how to turn this around will be most welcome... otherwise I will attempt a more upbeat post later in the week.


  1. Keep calm and carry on. It's a long way to Tipperary, pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and SMILE. SmILE, SMILE. Your British!!!

  2. Have faith in yourself as we can and will do it!!!!

  3. Helen. It has been years since we last spoke. I have followed your blog with the greatest admiration for your efforts. I have been amused by your story telling, I have been touched by your heartfelt concern and I have been inspired by your belief, energy and enthusiasm. Your marathon is not about setting a time, your marathon is about achieving your goal. Your goal is to cross the finish line. The self pitying blurb above is not the same girl that has inspired us all in the last 3 months. I don't think you realise how many people you have touched with your commitment towards this marathon until now. Walk it, crawl it, what ever you have to do. Get over the line. You deserve it for yourself! Trust me - you will find a way - just believe that you can do it. That is half the battle. The physical side - you will find a pace that fits and it will carry you to the line. ENJOY IT! Will be thinking of you next Sunday, and next time I am in the UK I will be dropping in a donation. Thank you for the inspiration - I did my first 1/2 marathon 2 weeks ago and there will be a marathon later this year.

  4. Chin up Helen. You have already done the hard bit - the training(!) in the freezing cold. Next Sunday is about the atmosphere, getting to the finish and enjoying yourself. I can't run 1mile let alone 17 so think what you have already achieved is awesome. Looking forward to meeting up when you have recovered. Sam W (Tebbutt) P.S Cake IS carbs
