Saturday 26 January 2013

F off!

I am suffering today from what I believe to be runners fatigue; this is a term I have completely made up to describe a combination of:

- Five weeks of hard training
- Foot pain caused by the repetitive and constant pounding foot on tarmac (or ice!) for hours and hours, week on week
- Fuel deficit
- Fatigue

And if that is not enough Fs for you it feels like Flu! So Thea and I spent a hour this morning creating our very own nutritious "energy bars" which I have to say are delicious; sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, raisins, apricots, flax seeds, oats, coconut, honey..... yum! That should see the Fs off!

I have also awarded myself a very deserving rest day and am sat on the sofa with a hot water bottle doing some much needed venue research for the charity ball. Let's hope I get some positive responses so we can book in the date and begin the task of selling tickets, bombarding requests for auction items and researching the perfect frock!

Hot on the heels of yesterdays post, I have also drafted a lovely fetching label which will adorn my copper banks (see relevant post here).

What do you think? Wouldn't it look fab on your desk / in your staff room / propping up the bar in your local establishment...? So far I have only had one request for these copper banks, but I am positive that now you have seen the beauty of these beasts you will all be begging for one! Just comment on this post that you want one and I shall put your name down. And remember there are only 100 of these unique and desirable collectors items so grab one before they go - they will one day be worth a few hundred (pence) and that is when I will be around to empty them into the 1,000,000 pence coffers.

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