Thursday 24 January 2013

Going for gold

It's official. My golden bond place is now confirmed and I am an official entrant of the Virgin London Marathon 2013 for Breast Cancer Care - GULP!

Up until today all my training advice and support has come in the guise of friends, previous marathonites experience, books and magazines (that is a whole other blog believe me - bet you can't wait!). However now I am an official entrant with a golden place I have the opportunity to attend a "Golden Bond Meet the Experts" training seminar taking place next weekend in London.

So whilst I would normally scoff at spending the day listening to "Expert Speakers" discuss training techniques, diet, injuries and clothing but I am (whisper) really excited and am already thinking about what I can quiz the experts on; How can I calculate my marathon time? What should my marathon pace be vs my short run pace? What is the difference between an ache and an injury? Can I increase my natural stride length? Are short sessions like Kenyan hills / Fatlek / Interval training really helping me as they seem too short? yadda yadda yadda

Who knew that the term "pacer groups" would grab my attention? And, even though I realise that this context of "clothing" doesn't mean the latest from Paris, but rather the latest from Lycra, I am still itching to get a day pass to attend and get my foot scanned my Adidas. Seriously where has my life gone? It appears there has been a keep fit queen hidden within this couch potato all this time... fancy unlocking your closet green goddess?

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